Fun Facts

The earliest film is 1922. The latest is 2016.
The lowest Imdb ranking is 1. The highest is 9.6.
Regions the tapes were collected from include- Portland-SA, Portland-OR, Newman-WA, Nadi, FIJI, West Hollywood, Montreal, Fairfield-CT, Fairfield-NSW, Dubbo, Hobart, Queenstown, Sydney, Alice Springs, London, Nigeria, Germany.
At one point there were 13,000 tapes in the collection.
The earliest tape is from 1981
There are 202 videos with less than 5 votes on IMDB
There are 1423 videos with less than 100 votes on IMDB
There 633 tapes that don't appear on IMDB
For some reason the tape that had the most Doubles was “976-Evil” directed by Richard Englund.
The earliest tape collected by Ken Anderson in the collection is Deathstalker 3. It cost $49.99 from Grace Bros Department store in Sydney CBD, sometime in the early 80's.
The earliest tape collected by Craig Anderson in the collection is Grampa's Sci-Fi Hits. It cost $29.99 from the local chemist Craig worked at as a delivery boy in the early 90's.